Google Ads management

Google Ads can be a powerful tool for reaching new customers and growing your business, but it does require some time and effort to set up and manage a campaign.

At Nmedias Digital MKT, we specialize in managing Google Ads campaigns. Whether your business spends $500 or $500,000 per month on advertising, our team of Google Ads professionals is here to help.

Running a search marketing campaign on Google can be expensive, especially if you don’t have a plan. Google Ads was created to be user-friendly, and because of that, it is very easy to purchase broad keywords and blow your budget without generating a single call or email. Our job is to maximize every dollar spent on pay-per-click advertising, and to make sure that you only pay for quality website traffic and visitors.

Call tracking

By implementing a comprehensive call tracking system, we can track, record, and assess the effectiveness of the phone calls resulting from our advertising efforts. When combined with email form submission tracking, you will have a complete understanding of the performance of your campaigns.

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